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Treatments For Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease affecting the central nervous system, the spinal cord and the myelin layer (fatty material that surrounds/closes healthy nerve cells). Multiple sclerosis usually begins during childhood and most people in their late teens or early twenties have had some form of MS experience. However, some cases of multiple sclerosis emerge in later adulthood. MS usually affects people who have a genetic weakness or vulnerability to inflammation. However, it can also affect people of any age group and can be accompanied by other health problems such as depression, fatigue, slowed reflexes, poor balance and difficulty with speech, as well as cognitive impairment, poor concentration and unusual behavior.

Multiple sclerosis usually shows its symptoms following a relapse - the return to normal activity following an episode of pain or discomfort. Relapses occur when a person comes into contact with another person or object that triggers an inflammatory response (see the definition above). Multiple sclerosis relapses can be triggered by direct injury (e.g., a car accident), immunological triggers (e.g., a tick bite) or adverse exposures (e.g., toxic chemicals). Relapses often cause loss of memory, muscle stiffness and loss of balance. Learn how to reduce the risk of cardiac failure or read more on getting rid of body odour stale beer.

When multiple sclerosis symptoms begin to occur, they're classified as relapsing-remitting MS. Relapsing-remitting MS is when symptoms alternate between periods of remitting inflammation and periods of unclogging inflammation. MS relapses are typically shorter than relapses. Relapsing-remitting MS usually follows a first attack of pain or discomfort followed by at least one episode of remitting MS where symptoms disappear.

In addition to multiple sclerosis relapses, there are periods of remission in which MS relapses but remains under control. This is most commonly seen in people whose immune systems have been compromised by an allergy or other type of trigger. People whose Multiple Sclerosis has been triggered by an infection such as Streptococcus pneumoniae may have a mild relapse during an antibiotic treatment. Sometimes people with Multiple Sclerosis have a long period of remission where symptoms are minimal, even nonexistent. This occurs when a person's body is able to fight off the Multiple Sclerosis and return the disease to remission or a state where symptoms are less severe.

As you can see, these treatments may help keep your Multiple Sclerosis in remission for some time. If you or a loved one have had Multiple Sclerosis, your doctor will likely advise you to undergo one or more of these therapies to help improve your condition. Depending on the doctor and the severity of your MS, there are several different therapies available. It's important that you work closely with your doctor to determine what will work best for you. However, once you've undergone several successful therapies, you may find that you need more assistance.

Multiple Sclerosis can be caused by many different things, from an infection to a defect in the nervous system. Irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease can also lead to the development of Multiple Sclerosis. However, there is no evidence that supports the theory that Multiple Sclerosis is genetic. Some doctors believe that it is caused by a breakdown in the immune system that produces a substance called interleukin-6. Another name for interleukin-6 is C-reactive protein, which is associated with inflammation in the body and is known to play a role in multiple sclerosis. While there are not enough studies to confirm that interleukin-6 is the cause of multiple sclerosis, the disorder does appear to run in families. Continue reading more on this here: ​

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